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Over the 2 years of my life I focused my efforts on pushing a giant inflatable testicle across 2 countries and over 8,000 miles to raise awareness for a growing disease in young men.


Yes, you heard that right, a giant NUT. For those of you who don’t know me, I am also known as Mr. Ballsy and am a 5 years out stage 3 Testicular Cancer survivor.

My efforts in this amazing journey has made me recognized globally and quoted as one of the most outspoken voices in Testicular Cancer awareness in the world.

I have gained hundreds of hours of media coverage for this worthy cause. But, being ballsy is more than just cancer, it’s a lifestyle.

My story did not start with cancer. I had a rough past (starting from childhood and into adulthood) that lead me down the darkest of alleys.
I was well known professionally and socially in the New York City scene which brought it’s own troubles. Cancer woke me the f*ck up and saved my life.

With everything I have faced in my life, I have managed to turn all of my negatives into a positive. And what I’m most proud of, is helping others by using my life as a tool to teach people what not to do. I now travel the world entertaining, educating, and inspiring. My goal is to bring out that inner ballsy in everyone in all walks of life and in all parts of the world.