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Here’s a brief summary of my journey. My original visit to the doctor was misdiagnosed as spermatocele in July 2016. When I knew something was just not right, I returned to the doctor in February 2017 to discover it was a tumor. I immediately had a single orchiectomy performed. Two days after my surgery we learned the tumor was cancerous. About a week later we learned that the cancer had metastasized to my lymph nodes and lungs, which required 3 rounds of chemotherapy. After a long journey, I was diagnosed as cured on June 1st, 2017.

Going through chemotherapy was long, exhausting, and nauseous. My family and I were carried through these long months by Christ, community, and charity.

We were overwhelmed by the amount of prayer and donation we received through GoFundMe. We also had family and friends supporting us by wearing “Fighting Cancer Takes Balls” shirts. I wore my t-shirt during chemotherapy and scans. Whenever I would be sent a picture of a dear one wearing their FCTB shirt, I felt strengthened by their support. It takes an army to fight cancer. I am forever grateful when I look back at the pictures of my army wearing their FCTB shirts.